Jett he is now almost 3 years old and i can not believe it! He is very smart and a very good big brother! He is so excited for Christmas and everything he sees on TV he says "mama can i have that for Christmas"? He keeps me on my toes more than i would like but i guess that goes with the territory! He is such a big boy and has to do everything himself and is very particular in the way his things are done! We love him so much and he brings such joy in our lives!

London she is 15 months now and i can not believe that either! She is very smart too! They definitely got Dan's brain which is a great thing and just about the only thing they have of his genes! She is also very independent and loves to everything on her own! She is all girl... loves dollys, blankets, hair ties and necklaces! I absolutely love having a girl! It has been so much fun! We love her to pieces! She is our princess!

Now as a family we are doing pretty good! Dan has been extremely busy but we are glad to have the work! We have had some personal family goals we having been focusing on and we are happier than ever! We are extremely blessed and fortunate during these hard times! We are very excited and ready for Christmas at least the out side of our house! Lights are up and our house is rockin! My brother Brock comes home in 2 weeks and we couldn't be more excited to have him home in time for Christmas, he luckily has only missed one Christmas which i think is awesome! I have most of our Christmas done and ready to go which is a nice feeling! We are very happy and hope that you all are as well! We send our love and hopes to having a safe and happy holiday season!!!!